Gallery 208 Opens in the Library 

The Article below was published in Vol. 135, Issue 3 of the Lake Forest College Stentor on November 8, 2019

By Christian Metzger ’20

Staff Writer

New artwork went on display in the Donnelly and Lee Library late last month on October 25 as part of its new feature gallery called “Gallery208.” Initially opened during the spring semester of the 2018-2019 academic year, the new campus gallery space was created to feature works made by Lake Forest College students. Currently, the gallery features works by Diayan Rajamohan ’21, a sociology and anthropology major and legal studies and philosophy double minor; Reed Houcek ’23, an art and philosophy major; and Dylan Petrou ’21, a business major. 

         The gallery was proposed last year by Rajamohan, who serves as the lead curator alongside the Associate Librarian and Head of Public Services Corey Stevens and campus Gallery Director Rebecca Goldberg. Designed to accept and feature student submissions, ranging from watercolors to photography, the gallery’s curation board hopes to feature new 2D artwork on a monthly basis. “What we’re looking for is general, it’s whatever you like so long as it’s appropriate and meets content guidelines,” Rajamohan said.

         “My biggest focus was to bring some color to the walls of the library and give people something exciting to look at on their way to class,” he said. 

Three paintings currently installed are made by Rajamohan himself, who has created artwork featured in coffee shops around Chicago. Holt, another student featured, has five works presented as well as one large canvas titled “Art in Progress,” which he comes to make small additions to each day.

         With no overarching theme, the goal of the gallery space simply is to feature the artwork of students who wish to display their work regardless if they’re a major in the subject or not. Holt, who currently is working toward a potential graffiti-based work within the near future, said, “It’s such a cool opportunity, I’m really grateful for the opportunity to display my work. I think the cool part about it is when people give you feedback. It’s really rewarding for me.”

         The idea of hosting an art gallery within the library is something that extends as far back as 2003, when the gallery was part of the initial plan for the library renovation but was cut from the final project plan. It was when Rajamohan approached the library staff last semester that the gallery was set up, with the hallway painted a “gallery white’ color to better fit the nature of the project in contrast to the green paint of the rest of the library, according to Stevens. “The intention is to have something that’s fairly visible, something that’s not just within the major, and very much student-driven,” she said.

         “I’d love to have more art in the library,” Stevens said, stating that the library often purchases art on a yearly basis to fill the space, from both established artists and studio majors. “I hope that other students will take interest and will want to have their work displayed, whether that’s one piece or a series of pieces. I’d love to see photos of campus life, that would be really interesting to see.”

         Going forward, Rajamohan also actively seeks to set up similar exhibits elsewhere on campus, such as in the newly renovated Lillard Science Center, but plans are not yet concrete. “I think there is a ton of campus space that needs to be utilized,” he said.

“I think when students see other students, and you’re a fellow artist or creator, who knows what that could change in somebody. Seeing more creation is huge,” said Holt, who also encouraged the use of more creatively oriented spaces around campus.

         Those who are interested in submitting their work to the gallery can contact Rajamohan at or inquire at the Circulation Desk. Submitted pieces will be reviewed by the curation board prior to approval. On social media, Rajamohan has created the hashtag “#LFCgallery208” for photos and discussion on the featured works. 

Christian Metzger can be reached at

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